Simple Docker container running a http server

In this exercise we will create a Docker container which will run a simple http server.

Before starting, setup Docker on your local machine. You can easily setup Docker on your Windows machine using Chocolatey.

Creating a Dockerfile

We will create the Docker container using a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile contains a set of instructions to tell docker how to create and configure the container.

Create a directory with the name docker-playground.

Inside this directory, create a file name Dockerfile without extension.

Add the following line to the file.

FROM ubuntu:latest

This tells Docker that we want to create a new image using ubuntu:latest as the base image. Here ubuntu is the name of a repository and latest is a tag. This should be the first line in the file.

Optionally we can specify the name and email of the maintainer.

MAINTAINER Hemanshu Bhojak <>

Now we will update apt-get and use it to install nodejs and npm.

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs
RUN apt-get install -y npm

http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command-line http server. It serves files from the current directory over http. We can install it using npm.

RUN npm install -g http-server

Create a symlink to the nodejs directory so that it can be run using the node command.

RUN ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

Create a html file with some content in the docker-playground directory and name it index.html. We will add this file to the container.

ADD index.html /usr/apps/hello-docker/index.html

Now we will set the working directory of the container to this path.

WORKDIR /usr/apps/hello-docker/

Lastly we will specify a command to run the http-server in silent mode by specifying the -s option.

CMD ["http-server", "-s"] 

Your Dockerfile should look like this.

FROM ubuntu:latest
MAINTAINER Hemanshu Bhojak <>

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs
RUN apt-get install -y npm
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

RUN npm install -g http-server

ADD index.html /usr/apps/hello-docker/index.html
WORKDIR /usr/apps/hello-docker/

CMD ["http-server", "-s"]

Build the Dockerfile

Run the following command in your docker-playground directory.

docker build -t "playground:hello-docker" .

This command builds a container image in the playground repository and tags it hello-docker.

To see the image you have just created, run the following command.

docker images

Run the Docker Container

The following command will run the Docker container we just created.

docker run -pt 8080:8080 "playground:hello-docker"

The -t and "playground:hello-docker" specifies the container to run.

By default, http-server uses 8080 as the port. In order to access it on our host machine we need to expose it.

The option -p and 8080:8080 binds the host port to the container port. Here the first value is the container port and the other is the host port.

In order to test this we need to know the IP Address of the virtual machine which runs the container.

Run the following command to find the IP Address of your Docker virtual machine. It is under the URL column and looks like tcp://<virtualmachine_ipaddress>:<port>.

docker-machine ls

If everything went well you can see your index.html in the browser of your host machine using the following url.


Some useful Docker commands

List all Images

docker images  

List all Containers

docker ps -a

Delete an Image

docker rmi <imageid>

Delete a Container

docker rm <containerid>